Our Specialties
Speech Sound Disorders
Speech that is hard to understand
Difficulty saying certain sounds
Distorting sounds like 's' and 'r'
Leaving sounds off the end of words
Limited repertoire of sounds
Substituting sounds (like saying "do" for "go")
Language Disorders
Using limited words or vocabulary
Difficulty asking/answering questions
Having difficulty following directions
Having difficulty combining words into phrases​
Difficulty using correct pronouns
Difficulty using correct word order or grammar
Social Communication
​Difficulty understanding someone's perspective
Not understanding someone's body language
Difficulty making and keeping friends
Difficulty telling and understanding stories
Difficulty engaging in conversations
Difficulty understanding someone's point of view
Self-advocacy skills
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Used to supplement or be used as a main communication system for those who are minimally verbal or have weak intelligibility
Low-tech through high-tech AAC systems and training
AAC Evaluations offered
School staff training and support of AAC systems